"Sorry, but it doesn't matter if you're a woman or even a child. I don't go easy on anybody who hurts my comrades"— Gray Fullbuster to Juvia Lockser in "Flowers That Bloom in the Rain"
Gray Fullbuster (グレイ・フルバスター Gurei Furubasutā) is an Ice-Make Mage, a member of the Fairy Tail Guild and of Team Natsu, and one of the main male protagonists.[3]
Gray's most prominent feature is his spiky black-colored hair. He has dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and very muscular.[4]
After the Galuna Island mission, he gets a scar on his forehead above his left eye that is only partially covered by his hair.[5] His member stamp is below his collarbone on his right pectoral muscle and dark blue in color.[6]
Unlike almost all other characters, Gray does not consistently wear the same type of clothes (that is, when he is wearing some), though he is often shown wearing some kind of white coat.[7]
Still, his most consistent piece of clothing is his necklace, which looks like a sword with a stone in it (this is similar to the Rave Stone in Rave Master), and a metal bracelet and similar chain attached to his pants.[8]
Gray has a laid-back personality, but he will often get serious when the time calls for it.[9] He and Natsu have a friendly rivalry, and while they can often be seen fighting one another verbally or physically,[10]they are actually concerned about each other.[11][12] Gray was quite obstinate and reckless when he was younger.[13] Over time, he has attained a more cautious attitude towards life, and deals with problems carefully. He is really concerned about his comrades and is truly loyal towards the guild, but tends to trash talk every now and then.[14][15] Also, he has a disturbing habit of unconsciously removing his clothes at inappropriate moments.[16][17] Gray is rather oblivious when it comes to others feelings concerning him, such as Juvia's love for him. However, he has shown modesty around women, such as when Gray (unintentionally) grabbed Juvia's breast, Gray was shocked and visibly flustered and apologized greatly.
Ur trains Gray
Gray was from a village up in the North, but the entire village was destroyed by the demon Deliora. Gray's parents were killed in the incident as well. Lyon, along with Ul, a powerful ice Mage who Jellal claimed could have been one of the Ten Wizard Saints, came investigating Deliora's destruction, and found Gray alive among the ruins.[18] Ur took Gray in as her second student and taught him and Lyon Ice Make. Gray accepted the training in order to eventually avenge his deceased parents by killing Deliora using her unorthodox methods.[19] Gray also inherited the unusual habit of stripping unconsciously from Ur.[16]
Erza and Gray - hard start
When Gray heard of Deliora's current location, he decided to challenge it, ignoring Ur and Lyon's warnings.[13] Gray collapsed from battling Deliora and woke up to see Ur battling it. Ur told him to take Lyon and run. Gray carried Lyon and saw that Ur had lost her leg and replaced it with ice.[20] Suddenly, Lyon woke up and tried to cast Iced Shell, but Ur stopped him by freezing him. She explained to Gray that Iced Shell was the only thing that would beat Deliora, and was surprised to know that Lyon had tried to do what she planned. She then used Iced Shell which caused her body to be destroyed. Before turning into ice, she made Gray promise to tell Lyon that she died and told him to step into the future, since she would seal his darkness. The next day, Lyon woke up and discovered Deliora covered with ice and Ur's sacrifice. He blamed Gray for killing Ur.[21]
Following Ur's advice to find strong wizards in the west, Gray arrived at Fairy Tail and asks the master for a way to reverse the effects of Iced Shell. Makarov, however, tells him that the only method that can possibly reverse it would kill Ur in the process.[22]
"All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades. So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
Erza Scarlet is an S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail who is famous for her usage of Requip Magic. She is also a member of Team Natsu, as well as one of the main female protagonists of the series.
Erza in normal clothes
Erza is a young woman who has long scarlet hair and brown eyes. She has an artificial right eye made by Porlyusica(replacing the one she lost as a child). She has a slender figure that Lucydescribes as amazing and, like most females in the series, she has large breasts. Her most common attire consist of custom-made armor by Heart Kreuzsmiths, a blue skirt, and black boots. Her Fairy Tail stamp is blue and located on the middle of her left upper arm. Erza specializes in requip magic, and uses it to requip not only armor, but different outfits as well, allowing her to change her attire at any given time.
No, she's not angry, she's just saying "sorry"
Erza is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. She is also very impatient disliking people who don't answer her questions quickly enough. This, coupled with her own tragic childhood, caused many of her guildmates to avoid her due to her social awkwardness. However, she has a great sense of justice and pride in being a member of Fairy Tail.
Natsu describes her as "strong, mean and scary"; Lucy says that she's "cool and beautiful, warm and full of passion". Jellal, when he had lost his memories, remembering nothing but the name "Erza", said her name was "full of kindness, brightness and warmth".Makarov called Erza the "Female Knight who doesn't know how to hold back".
Erza described herself as someone who was always crying, since she wasn't able to protect those dear to her. Several examples are when Rob tried to shield her from destruction, and when Jellal was captured because he saved her and was brainwashed by "Zeref". Also, Erza has stated that she feels uncomfortable and insecure when not wearing armor.[3] However, when Erza encounters Ikaruga, she overcomes her fear behind and battles her without her armor.
Despite her reserved personality and mostly dressing in her conservative Heart Kreuz armor, Erza has shown to have very little modesty or inhibitions. Many of her armors are skimpy, revealing and feminine, and when out of armor she has an affinity for sexy and revealing clothing. Such examples are the sleek evening gown she wore at the casino during the Tower of Heaven arc, and when Team Natsu was working at former council member Shitou Yajima's restaurant, where they worked as waiters. Though Lucy was embarrassed about wearing the skimpy maid outfit, Erza showed no discomfort, taking orders with seductive poses, and after the job was over, she did not take the uniform off, leading Happy to state that she liked it. During the guild war with Phantom Lord, Erza felt no shame or fear at racing out to see the moving guild hall in nothing but a towel. Finally, Erza seems to have no problem with men (or at least her male guildmates) seeing her naked. She felt no discomfort stating her desire to shower with Natsu and Gray or the fact that she used to shower with them when they were younger. When they were at the hotspring, when she learned that the boys may have been peeping on her and the other girls, she wanted to invite them to bath with them much Wendys shock and Lucys strong objection. This side of her personality shows that her former dependance on her armor was purely psychological, and not out of any issue of modesty.
Early in her childhood, Erza was enslaved by a black magic cult and forced to build the Tower of Heaven, a structure developed for the purpose of resurrecting the dark mage Zeref.[4] She was imprisoned together with several other slaves, most of them children; among these children were Jellal Fernandes, Shô, Simon, Wally Buchanan, and Millianna. While they were asking each other for their names, she said her name was just "Erza," so Jellal decided to give her the surname "Scarlet" after her scarlet hair so they would never forget it.[5] Despite the harsh conditions of her enslavement and labor, Erza became close friends with the other children. She also formed a strong bond withRob, an elderly mage from the Fairy Tail guild, who taught her about magic and his guild.[6][7]
Erza uses her magic for the first time
One day in X776, Shô came up with a plan for the ten-year-old Erza and all their friends to escape from the tower. They were unfortunately caught by the guards, who decided to send the escape's mastermind to the tower's disciplinary chamber while the rest would be deprived of food for three days (which, according to the guards, was a far more lenient punishment). Seeing how fearful Shô was, Erza prepared to take the blame herself, but Jellal announced himself as the mastermind instead. However, the guards reasoned that Erza was the one responsible and sent her to the disciplinary chamber,[8] where she was tortured to the brink of death and lost her right eye. Jellal rescued her, but was captured soon after. Finally fed up with their torment, Erza staged a revolt against their captors so they could escape and save Jellal.[9]
The revolt appeared to be successful at its inception[10] until the tower's mages arrived to repress the slaves, causing most of the other slaves to retreat. During the attack, Erza watched in horror as her friend Simon's lower jaw was blasted off by a magical attack, while Rob sacrificed himself to defend Erza from another mage's attack. In her rage, Erza's latent magical power was activated for the first time, and she used it to turn all of the weapons and tools around her against the guards, finishing the revolt.[11][12]
Young Erza with the rest of Fairy Tail
As the other slaves boarded ships meant to ensure their freedom, she reunited with Jellal, but discovered that he had changed; the kind and compassionate boy she knew him to be was suddenly twisted and violent, using magic to slaughter the defenseless guards around them. Jellal had been possessed by what he claimed to be the spirit of Zeref, and decided that the only way for them to attain true freedom was to complete the Tower of Heaven and revive Zeref. Erza refused to help him, prompting Jellal to cast her out of the tower by herself, only letting her live because she helped take care of all the guards who would have opposed him. Before letting her escape, Jellal told Erza to keep the Tower of Heaven a secret from the government, as well as to never return to the tower, threatening to destroy the tower and kill everyone in it, including their friends, if she disobeyed.[13]
Erza vs. Mirajane
After washing up on the shores of Fiore, Erza made her way to and joined the Fairy Tail guild.[7] She habitually began to wear armor and acted distant from the other members, still traumatized by Jellal's betrayal.[14] AfterGray, who tried picking fights with the reclusive Erza, saw her crying by herself and questioned why, she began to open up to her guildmates more.[15] Around this time, Fairy Tail's master Makarov brought Erza to seePorlyusica, who gave her an artificial eye to replace the one she lost. With her eye healed Erza shed tears of joy, which only came out of her real, left eye, though Erza didn't mind as she said she had already shed half of her tears.[16]
Erza remembers her S-Class Exam
As the years passed, Erza became more and more strict until she could be called the guild's disciplinarian. She took responsibility for breaking up fights between Gray and Natsu. At the same time, however, she was driven to constantly fight and bicker with fellow member Mirajane, which eventually ended after Mirajane greatly mellowed out in the wake of her younger sister Lisanna's apparent death in X782. In the year X780, Erza passed Fairy Tail's annually held S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial, becoming the youngest member of the guild to do so at fifteen years of age.[17]